Offer: Square Paws provides monthly support to ZenByCat and toward eradicating Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Learn more about why they support ZenByCat here.
Scratching is essential for a cat’s health and state of mind. It signifies their claim to territory in their habitat, and it provides good exercise to keep their claws and paws in good shape. In the wild, cats scratch on the trunks and branches of trees to leave their scent and their mark. Similarly, corrugated cardboard, as a product derived from trees, provides an instinctive connection for house cats to their outdoor nature.
With this design, we’ve taken our cat-food-can kitty condo and shrunk it down to scratch pad size. Measuring 15-1/2″ in diameter and 4″ high, this cat scratcher is unlike any other on the market. Made sustainably in the USA, the corrugated cardboard is wider and thicker than other scratch pads. Round pads are often only 1″ thick and 10″ or less in diameter. While that might be fine for kittens, it’s insufficient for an adult cat.
Our Endless Buffet scratcher provides ample space for even large cats to stand atop it, arch their backs, and dig their claws into it! And it’s great just for lounging! While 4″ in height might not seem like much to us humans, it’s a great podium for a kitty to feel above the rest of their world while providing plenty of room to drape themselves across it or curl up and nap.
The food-can label wrapper fits snug on the cardboard body, but it’s easily removable to allow you to turn the body upside down when worn and set the wrapper around it anew. So you get long-lasting value and use from the same product! And the thicker corrugated makes for a long-lasting scratcher. Your cats will love digging into it because of its density!
The faux brand “ChickenPuss” is a nickname our founder, Mario, had for his first cat, Slinky. Slinky crossed the rainbow bridge in 2018, and the label is Mario’s way of remembering the bond he felt with his first feline companion.
FREE SHIPPING! Order yours today! (Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.)
WARNING: Multi-cat households are recommended to order more than one as cats can be very possessive about this scratch pad!