Ember FIP Angel Note Cards

A Tribute to the Cats lost to Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)


Each of these note cards captures an image of a beloved cat, pet and friend that lost his/her life to FIP.   These drawings are all of young cats that lost their fight to FIP and they come from all over the world.   The artist and owner of Ember, a beautiful, sweet, playful 7-month-old blue calico Maine Coon, drew them to bring attention to this often misdiagnosed, fast-moving, fatal disease.   Ember was diagnosed on her 7-month birthday and lost her life to Wet FIP three weeks later.   She had been a normal healthy kitten just weeks prior to her diagnosis.   She became lethargic, did not eat as normal and was not interested in playing with her feline friends.   Her decline was rapid.  The disease is heartbreaking for everyone involved.

There are currently two sets available, each with 5 different cards and envelopes.  More sets are in the works and will be added as they become available. 

To learn more about the artist, go here.